The Albuquerque Roadrunner Tournament
2024 Rules


The Albuquerque Roadrunner Tournament (TART) is an USBC certified tournament. All participants are subject to the USBC rules and authority for the event. The tournament is a mixed handicap competition open to people by invitation only. Therefore, the Tournament Directors reserve the right to refuse any application. Space is limited to twenty two (22) teams/88 bowlers. Teams will consist of four members, any mix of people. (Please see TART Tournament Rule IV.J). Partial entries will be accepted if they can be accommodated.


A. Handicap for the Tournament shall be based on 90% of the difference between the bowler’s scratch average and 225. Negative handicap will not apply.

B. Any bowler entering TART 2024 must have established a ten-pin average acceptable to USBC.


A. Bowler’s entering average is determined by the highest of the following (Challenge and Sport averages will be accepted and adjusted in accordance with the USBC conversion chart for each average below):

1. The bowlers highest 2023/2024 league average (including converted Challenge or Sport averages), twenty-one (21) games or more, as of 8/31/24.;

2. OR, the bowlers 2023/2024 composite average of as 8/31/24 (including converted Challenge and Sport averages);

B. If none of the above applies, bowler will use a minimum average of 130 to a maximum average of 225 as the entering average. Such bowlers shall be required to submit all league averages and all tournament scores for re-rating. Information for bowlers with a minimum of twenty-one games will be considered.

C. USBC permits the tournament director to assign an average higher than minimum average prior to participation. (USBC Rule 319b).

D. League Name, Secretary’s Name and phone number or email address must be provided with the Entry Form along with a copy of your league’s standing sheet. The League Secretary and bowlers will complete and attach a verification form. It is the entrant’s responsibility to supply complete and accurate information for all leagues participated in.

E. Bowlers who have qualified for cash and/or merchandise prizes more than $300 in any single tournament event, had combined prize money won more than $500 in any tournament, and/or had combined prize money won more than $1000 in all tournaments competed in within the prior 12 months before TART must report:

        1. Name(s) of tournament(s) and date(s) when prize(s) was/were won.
        2. Actual scores bowled – all games including optional events.
        3. Amount or value of prize(s). Failure to comply is cause for forfeiture of entry fee and prize winnings (USBC Rule 319d).

F. A bowler’s average may be adjusted upward before the entrant bowls. If the bowler, upon registering, does not accept the assigned average, bowler is entitled to a refund of the entry fee. It is the bowler’s responsibility to verify the accuracy of their own entering average.

G. If any average is reported incorrectly, USBC Rule 319a/3 will apply. USBC Rule 319e will apply in the event of an average adjustment for an entrant. Nothing in this rule will be deemed to supersede the authority of tournament management or the local association to adjust a bowler’s average upward prior to bowling.


A. All entrants must be members of USBC and provide proof of membership and certification number on the entry form. Proof of membership in the 2023/2024 season (sanction card or renewal receipt) must be available during tournament registration. Non-members shall pay a Participation Fee of $5.00 (USBC Rule 300c 1.b.).

B. Any bowler who is not a member of an IGBO league (and not currently an IGBO Associate Member) shall pay an Associate Member Fee to IGBO of $25.00.


A. Each participant shall bowl three (3) games per event and must enter all events.

B. Bowlers are allowed only one entry per event in Singles, Doubles, and Team.

C. Doubles Partnerships must come from the same team.

D. Men and women will compete on an equal basis. Please see TART Tournament Rule IV. J.

E. Team and Doubles Partnerships may consist of any combination of men and women.

F. Check-in time for all events is no later than thirty (30) minutes prior to the starting time.

G. Late bowlers will begin in the frame in which they are ready to begin bowling. A “zero” score will be entered in each frame missed. Also see Rule H.

H. Bowlers will be allowed 10 minutes practice, per event, unless they are late. Late bowlers will forfeit practice time for the shift that they are late.

I. Substitutes will be allowed to participate at the Tournament Director’s discretion.

J. Only one (1) Professional Bowling Association (PBA) member allowed per team.


A. $105.00 per bowler (for breakdown, see #XI. Entry Fee Breakdown).

B. The entry deadline is midnight (MST), September 4, 2024.

C. Online registration is available at least 60 days prior to tournament.

D. Registration entries and payments will be available online only. (Online payment is available via Stripe once registration is open. Credit and debit cards are accepted and processed through this website.) Should you need to send any copies of paperwork, please email to

E. Entry fees, once received, will only be refunded at the Tournament Director’s discretion.


A. The tournament is offering two (2) optional scratch events:

1. Individual ScratchThe entry fee for this optional event is based on division. Entry fee for all divisions = $25.00. Scores used for the Individual Scratch Event shall be those scratch games (without handicap) as bowled in the Handicap Division of the tournament. Payout will be 100% per Division. Payout ratio will be no less than 1:6. It will be paid for the high scratch game, high scratch series, and high scratch all-events.

2. Scratch Masters Roll OffThe entry fee for this optional event is based on division. Angel Fire = $20, Bernalillo = $25, Clovis = $30, Deming = $40, and Estancia = $50. Scratch Masters Roll Off will be based on scratch scores (without handicap) bowled in all events (Singles, Doubles, and Team – nine games). The top six (6) bowlers in each Division will advance to the Scratch Roll Off competition.

a. If there is a tie for the sixth spot a 9th and 10th frame roll off will be held for bowlers that tied.

3. The competition will consist of three (3) games. All six (6) competitors of each Division will bowl game one (1) with the two (2) bowlers having the lowest scores eliminated from the competition. The remaining four (4) bowlers will bowl game two (2) with the two (2) bowlers having the lowest scores eliminated from the competition. The remaining two (2) bowlers will bowl game three (3), the bowler with the highest score will be crowned Scratch Shoot-Out Champion for their respective division. In the event of a tie in match play, a shot-for-shot sudden-death tie breaker will be used.

4. The five (5) Scratch Divisions for both optional events are as follows:

Angel Fire: 139 and less
Bernalillo: 140 – 159
Clovis: 160 – 179
Deming: 180 – 199
Estancia:  200+


A. Each event has its own Prize List.

B. There will be 100% cash return on all prize fees.

C. The payout ratio will be 1:6.

D. Payouts will occur no sooner than twenty-one (21) days and no later than thirty (30) days after tournament completion.


A. Premature termination or interruption of the tournament brought about by war, national or local disaster/emergency, or emergency causes relating to or from fire, natural disaster, or any other reason beyond the control of TART committee shall cause, to the extent required thereby, all advertised prizes guaranteed or otherwise, to be pro-rated in accordance with the number of entrants who have bowled in each of the respective events up to the time of such termination.


A. Friday, September 20, 2024 to Sunday, September 22, 2024.


A. All bowling events will be held at:

Starlight Lanes
Santa Ana Star Casino
54 Jemez Canyon Dam Rd
Santa Ana Pueblo, NM 87004

Phone: (505) 771- 5333



Prize Fund = $50.00
Lineage = $36.00
IGBO Donation = $2.00
Administration Fee/Awards = $17.00

2024 Total Entry Fee: $105.00


A. After a score has been recorded, it cannot be changed unless there has been an obvious error in scoring or calculation.

B. Obvious errors must be corrected by a member of the Tournament Committee.

C. Questionable errors must be reported to the Tournament Co-Director(s) within 30 minutes of the error and will be decided on by the tournament committee.

D. All decisions of the tournament director are final unless an appeal is made in accordance with USBC Rule 329.

E. Bowlers must check their own sheet before signing.

F. All other USBC rules will apply.


A. Rules subject to change upon USBC sanction approval. Any rules changes will be posted at registration.


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